
Why We Sell Out Of Some Prodcuts
You may have noticed that at certain times of the year some of our products are in high demand and so are often selling out very quickly. At this time one of these popular items is our Ribeye steaks. We were recently asked why we sell out of our ribeye steaks and why we don’t make more ribeye’s to meet the demand. It’s a simple question with a complex answer.- Sunworks Farm

The Hens Are Outside
The laying hens are back outside! Although there is not a lot of grass yet due to lack of rain the hens love being outside and scratching and pecking in the soil looking for roots, grubs and bugs. They will be moved every day onto fresh grass until they are brought inside when the weather turns cold in October.- Sunworks Farm

Organic Eggs
Our laying hens are organic, cage free and raised with lots of room to run all throughout the year. Hens have wonderful instincts and are happiest when they are allowed to do what is natural to them, perching, moving around, pecking, dust bathing and scratching in the ground...- Sunworks Farm