Why We Sell Out Of Some Prodcuts

You may have noticed that at certain times of the year some of our products are in high demand and so are often selling out very quickly. At this time one of these popular items is our Ribeye steaks. We were recently asked why we sell out of our ribeye steaks and why we don’t make more ribeye’s to meet the demand. It’s a simple question with a complex answer.
Ribeye steaks is just one of the cuts of meat that we will get out of a beef and the prime rib, where the steaks come from, is a small percentage of all of the meat that we get from a beef. We need to sell all of the meat that comes from the whole beef so if we increased the number of beef we processed every week to just supply ribeyes, we would soon be overrun with other beef cuts. It is a complicated equation to try and figure out exactly how many animals are the right balance in order to have as much as possible of the popular cuts without ending up with a freezer full of the less popular cuts. We also do not buy in specific cuts of meat in order to fill the demand for that item. Because we are a values based farm we will also never increase our numbers to a point where we feel that we can no longer properly take care of the animals. Our priority is that our animals are healthy, happy and humanely raised.
Everybody has become so used to having access to a constant supply of food that it can seem strange that we run out of product. Food is moved all over the world so that we, in the first world countries, have consistent access to any food that we want. This isn’t the realities of local, small farming. We are amazed by how much we are able to grow on our farm but there will always be a few products (ribeye steaks is just one example) that are in such high demand that we will be challenged to provide them in an abundance. As a customer that supports us you will have noticed that we do run out of some products and some are in short supply. This is a positive. For it shows that you are not supporting a large corporate farm. You are supporting a small farm. You are supporting our family farm. We are committed to providing you much of the cleanest, purest food as possible.
Your Farmers
Ron and Sheila
- Sunworks Farm