Organic Eggs
Our laying hens are organic, cage free and raised with lots of room to run all throughout the year. Hens have wonderful instincts and are happiest when they are allowed to do what is natural to them, perching, moving around, pecking, dust bathing and scratching in the ground...- Sunworks Farm
Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly, Preservative Free Sausages and Deli Meats
In the early 1990’s our family was struggling with health concerns, including allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia and arthritis. We started making sausages, deli meats and bacon the way we do without artificial preservatives, artificial flavors or colours, and without fillers because we believed in the importance of eating pure food for our health and for the environment....- Sunworks Farm
What Does Organic Mean?
What is organic? Organic is a word that you will see on our own meats, sausages and deli, many food products at your local farmers market and your grocery store. This word has become mainstream and you will see it used everywhere. Many consumers know that organic is better but what does organic means...- Sunworks Farm