The Hens Are Outside

The Hens Are Outside

The laying hens are finally back outside! After weather delays and delays caused by the extensive repairs the shelters needed after a bad winter wind storm in January the hens were moved outside yesterday. Although there is not a lot of grass yet due to lack of rain the hens love being outside and scratching and pecking in the soil looking for roots, grubs and bugs. They will be moved every day onto fresh grass until they are brought inside when the weather turns cold in October. Nesting boxes are provided so that they have a safe and comfortable place to lay their eggs. The eggs are then collected by hand several times a day and washed in our own egg washing and grading facility here on the farm.

Our hens are organic, certified humane and free range. They are never in cages and are always given the opportunity to express natural behaviors like dust bathing, perching and scratching.

Our eggs are available at all of our own locations:

- Old Strathcona Farmers' Market Edmonton, Saturday 8am to 3pm

- Bountiful Farmers' Market Edmonton Friday 10 to 4pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm.

- Fresh & Local Market & Kitchens at Avenida in Calgary, Thursday to Saturday 11am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 5pm.

-Our Meat Shop on Whyte Ave (our own location located within the Blush Lane Store) Sunday to Friday 9am to 9pm and Saturdays 8am to 9pm

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