How We Raise Our Thanksgiving Turkeys.

How We Raise Our Thanksgiving Turkeys.

How we raise our Thanksgiving Turkeys. 

Organic, Free Range/Pasture Raised, Certified Humane.

Our turkeys arrive at our farm from the hatchery only hours old and receive their first water and feed here on the farm. They are brooded in a warm barn with lots of fresh air and natural light until they are old enough and feathered out enough to safely go outside. While outside they are raised in moveable shelters that are moved every day onto fresh grass. Turkeys love pecking at the grass and looking for bugs and grubs. They are given continuous access to fresh clean water as well as certified organic feed. They are protected from the hot summer sun and heavy rain by a roof or shade cloth over the outdoor space of their shelter. Electric netting is placed around the shelters in order to protect them from harassment by coyotes, foxes, skunks and other predators. When the turkeys are ready to be processed they are loaded at night to reduce their stress and taken on the short trip across the farm to our own on farm poultry processing plant. Where they are processed and then packaged.

All our turkeys are certified organic and receive only certified organic feed. This means no herbicides or pesticides were applied to the pasture they are on or any of the ingredients in their  feed, They are Never Given or fed GMO’s, animal by-products or antibiotics. We are also Certified Humane and so follow strict guidelines for how our birds are treated.

We still have turkeys available for pre-order. The deadline to order a turkey is Oct 5th or when we sell out of turkeys, whatever happens first. In the past we have sold out of turkeys before the order deadline so we recommend ordering your turkey soon.

To order your turkey or for more information about turkey pick up days and locations please visit our website,  call the farm office at 1-877-393-3133 or visit us at your preferred turkey pickup location.

When you order we take a $10 deposit per turkey, this reserves you a turkey but not a specific size. If you would like a specific size we recommend that you arrive at your pickup location early in order to have the best selection of sizes available.

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