Grass Fed and Finished Beef In The Winter.

Grass Fed and Finished Beef In The Winter.
Our beef are 100% grass fed year-round. Spring, summer and fall the cattle are moved every day onto fresh grass. Once we no longer have enough grass for them to graze or the grass that is available is covered with too much snow, we move them to a large winter pasture where they are fed our organic hay. Our cattle are never in a feedlot.
In the winter pasture the cattle are fed organic hay harvested from our own organic grass lands. The grass is cut, sun dried and then rolled into large round bales. Prior to being fed to the cattle the bales are put through a bale processor that chops the bales into shorter stems of grass, making it easier for the cattle to digest. This chopped grass is then placed into large bunk style feeders. We use bunk feeders in the winter for the hay in order to keep the hay, dry, clean and off the ground. We also move the bunk feeders weekly in order to facilitate the natural spread of manure around the pasture. This manure gives important nutrients back into the soil, improving soil health and the spring and summer grass growth. The cattle have constant access to the feed so they are able to eat the hay in the feeders whenever they want. We also give the cattle organic alfalfa grass pellets and naturally sourced minerals daily. Alfalfa pellets are alfalfa grass that is harvested at its peak nutrition, dried, crumbled and then pressed into pellets in order to maintain its nutrition and also make it less dusty and easier to handle. This provides some concentrated energy and protein for the cattle. Dried grass is the natural diet of cattle in the winter and summer, and allows them to stay healthy and happy.
In the spring we closely monitor the grass growth in order to let the cattle start grazing as soon as the grass has gown enough to be able to regrow after being grazed. This means that the date the cattle will start grazing on the new grass will vary greatly year to year as the growing conditions will also vary greatly.
In their winter pasture the cattle are given about 30 acres to move around in, they are given shelter from the wind with large windbreaks and fresh water that is pumped from our dugouts using a frost free pump. The cattle are provided with lots of certified organic straw for them to bed down in. This keeps them dry, warm and off the ground when they sleep.
We are proud to be able to say that we raise certified organic, certified humane, 100% grass fed beef year-round. Grass fed beef is healthier for the cattle, the environment and the consumer.
Your Farmers
Ron and Sheila
- Sunworks Farm