What Makes Our Turkeys Different

What Makes Our Turkeys Different
5 reasons you can be proud to serve our Christmas turkeys for your Christmas dinner.
1- Humanely Raised. Our birds are raised with respect and to the strict standards that are set out through the Certified Humane program. We are audited, and spot inspected by trained inspectors annually to see that we fulfill the requirements of their animal welfare program. Our Christmas turkeys are raised inside large warm barns. These barns have many windows that let in lots of natural light. The birds are not crowded and are given lots of fresh natural wood shavings to keep them dry and off of their own manure. They are free to express natural social behaviours, are provided with perches, and “toys” to peck at.
2- Certified Organic. Certified organic is your assurance that our birds are raised without antibiotics, growth stimulants and animal byproducts. The turkeys are fed grains that are milled by us on our farm, are Non GMO, and have been grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fungicides applied to them. By buying certified organic you know that we are inspected annually by our organic certifier EcoCert Canada. We also have additional spot inspections throughout the year to ensure that we are meeting or exceeding the Canadian organic standard.
3- Local. Your turkey is raised in Alberta on our own farm near Armena, Alberta. By serving a local bird you are contributing to a stronger local economy. You are reducing the carbon footprint of your meal and consuming the freshest possible product.
4- Positive environmental impact. We practice regenerative farming and do everything we can to naturally improve the land that we have and the welfare of all that live on it. We use rotational/time controlled grazing which helps improve the land while sequestering carbon. We fence off our water ways so the frogs and aquatic birds have clean places to live. No insecticides are used on the farm which helps protect bees, birds and bugs. We leave trees that have died to naturally break down to provide habitat for wildlife and insects.
5- Increased connection to your food. Knowing your farmer is an important step in reconnecting with the source of your food. We the farmers are at several farmers markets every week, where you can talk to us and ask questions. Even if you are not able to speak to us at one of our markets, you can connect to the farm by phone, through social media and our website. You can see pictures of the animals and where they live, you can see the wildlife and scenery of the farm and you can read our thoughts on farming and life through our posts. You can also visit our farm every year on Labour Day Monday in September so that you can see where and how your food is raised.
We are very proud of the turkeys and all of the meat that we raise. We feel that we are able to offer a superior product that you can feed your family for Christmas and throughout the year with pride knowing where and how it was raised.
Your Farmers
Ron, Sheila
- Sunworks Farm