
Our Organic, Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly Sausages

Our Organic, Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly Sausages

When we first moved to the farm our family was struggling with serious health issues related to the food that we were eating. We were looking for clean, healthy, organic and allergy friendly meats and sausage that we would be able to eat and at that time could not find any in the market place....
  • Sunworks Farm
Taco Smash Burger Recipe

Taco Smash Burger Recipe

Looking to try something different? Our daughter Shae's family tried this new way of cooking burgers and have been raving about it ever since. Here is her instructions for Taco Smash Burgers.
  • Sunworks Farm
Waiting For Rain

Waiting For Rain

We, like the majority of the province are dry, very dry. With the lack of rain last fall, and no spring rains the ground is extremely dry ....With diminishing chances of rain in the forecast, we purchased some irrigation equipment and this week we have started to irrigate our pasture from one of our three large dugouts on our land
  • Sunworks Farm
Certified Humane for 20 years

Certified Humane for 20 years

This year marks 20th anniversary of our farm being Humane Certified!

We are committed to raising our animals in a humane, respectful and dignified manner.

  • Sunworks Farm