
Organic Rotisserie Chicken

Organic Rotisserie Chicken

Organic Rotisserie Chicken is Available at our Organic Meat Shop in Edmonton, Bountiful Farmers Market in Edmonton and at Calgary Farmers Market South!

Our certified organic chicken are seasoned using only gluten free organic spices and then are perfectly roasted in our rotisserie oven.

  • Sunworks Farm
Sunworks 101: What We Do And Why We Do It.

Sunworks 101: What We Do And Why We Do It.

Sunworks 101: What We Do And Why We Do It. Our Values: We believe that we are stewards of the land and that we should leave it in a better state th...
  • Sunworks Farm
Whole, Half, Quarter Pork

Whole, Half, Quarter Pork

Purchasing our organic and certified humane pork by the whole, half or quarter is a very economical way to have some pork in your freezer.
  • Sunworks Farm
Our Organic, Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly Sausages

Our Organic, Gluten Free, Allergy Friendly Sausages

When we first moved to the farm our family was struggling with serious health issues related to the food that we were eating. We were looking for clean, healthy, organic and allergy friendly meats and sausage that we would be able to eat and at that time could not find any in the market place....
  • Sunworks Farm