Why We Farm

Why We Farm
Over the last year we have had a wonderful time having our grandchildren work with us more and more at our farmers markets. Seeing their passion for the environment and organic food, reminds us of why we moved to the farm, why we went organic and why we started raising animals.

We moved from the city to the country in 1992 when our daughters were going into grade 3 and 4. Erin had suffered from severe asthma and allergies all her life and we felt that living in the country would be what was best for her health and our family. As we moved to the country we became even more in touch with how our food was raised and the environment. After taking a holistic management course we decided that we were being called to organic agriculture. We started small with the goal of raising some meat for ourselves, and selling any extra to the consumer. We wanted to give our children the healthiest and cleanest food possible. We had no idea that there were so many other people who were wanting clean, organic, humane meat as well. We grew to meet the demand of the consumer who, like us, wanted an ethical, environmentally friendly meat product.

Throughout all of the sometimes rapid growth, through all of the ups and downs, hail, drought, fire, and pandemic we have kept in mind why we are doing what we do. We want to provide clean organic humanly raised food for your family and our family. We want as many people as possible to be able to eat organic meat. We want to make the world a better place for our grandchildren and the best way for us to do that is to take care of the land and animals that we have. We are reminded of a saying that inspired us at the very beginning and still inspires us today “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”

Ron and Sheila

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