Last Of The Lamb

Last Of The Lamb

Last Of The Lamb.

After a lot of deliberating and conversations we have made the hard decision to sell our sheep flock. This means that the lambs we currently have left will be the last of our lambs. This was not an easy decision and we debated back and forth for almost a year. There were many factors that affected our decision, but the main factor was a lack of pasture during drought and the potential for a lack of winter hay due to drought.  

Last year’s spring drought caused us to become very short on pasture for our cattle and sheep. Despite our efforts to try irrigating our pasture with dugout water, fencing hay lands in order to increase our available pasture and careful grazing management we simply did not have enough grass for both cattle and sheep to be grazing during the spring. We were only saved from selling the sheep last year during the spring drought by the fact we had some extra hay that allowed us to continue to feed the sheep until it finally rained a bit and there was more pasture available. While hay is a great food for the sheep, by doing this it used up the hay that we had hoped to carry over into the next year as our backup in case of another drought. Even after the rain came we were continually worried about the amount of grass we had available and the amount of hay we would need to bale to cover our winter feeding needs. This year the extremely dry and warm, fall and winter, combined with the lack of snow cover is resulting in the high potential for another year of drought. This means that we will not have enough pasture for both cattle and sheep when we have our next drought.

We know many of our customers were enjoying having our organic lamb and we are very sorry that we will no longer be able to have it for you. We appreciate your understanding about this difficult decision.  We will have fresh lamb for approximately 8 more weeks and frozen boxes of lamb available online until we sell out.

Your Farmers

Ron and Sheila


For a list of our own locations please visit our website

To order boxes of lamb online visit our website If we are sold out of a box online and you would like to receive email notifications of when specific sold out items are back in stock online you can click on the green, “notify me when available”, button that is above the product description on all of our sold out items. Once we add more of these items they can sometimes sell out quickly. If we are sold out again after receiving the email please sign up again to make sure that you receive a notification the next time we add more.

If you have any questions please let us know by email or by phone 1-877-393-3133.

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