Certified Organic Eggs
Laying Hens and Eggs

Our laying hens are cage free and raised with lots of room to run all throughout the year. Hens have wonderful instincts and are happiest when they are allowed to do what is natural to them, pecking and scratching the ground to look for grubs, seeds and bugs.
We receive our layer chicks when they are less than 12 hours old straight from the hatchery. They are not given any water or food until they reach our farm ensuring that the first food that they receive is certified organic and that no antibiotics are given to them. They are placed in a warm barn on a fresh bed of clean shavings. They are fed certified organic feed and allowed to grow in the barn until the weather turns warm. The birds are then moved outside to their shelters in the field where they will stay for the summer months.

In the summer the birds are raised in movable shelters that are moved daily onto fresh grass. The shelters are large and the birds have lots of room to run around. They love to peck at the ground and eat the fresh grass. They are fed certified organic feed and fresh water is piped from our dugouts to the birds, allowing a constant source of fresh clean water. The hens have nesting boxes under the shelters that give them a comfortable place to lay their eggs and these eggs are collected three times per day and taken directly to our grading station on the farm.
In the fall when the weather turns cold the birds are raised in the barn where they are given lots of room to move. They are not in cages and are allowed to lay their eggs in nesting boxes that are spread throughout the room. The barns are clean and well ventilated; pine shavings are spread on the floor to keep the birds clean and healthy. They are fed certified organic feed and alfalfa. This ensures that they get their greens even throughout the winter and ensures that the quality of the eggs remains the same throughout the year.

Our laying hens are Bovan Browns. They lay a nice brown egg and are a great bird for outdoor and indoor living. The feed is made of certified organic grains, legumes and alfalfa, there are no hormones, antibiotics or pesticide/herbicide residues in the feed. We go through yearly inspections by our organic certifying body Ecocert, the Egg Farmers of Alberta for bird and egg safety, CFIA for our egg grading station, and the Certified Humane program. That’s over four inspections just for the hens alone.

Once collected our eggs are taken to our egg washing and grading station where they are washed, checked for cracks and other imperfections, sorted according to size and then packaged into new cardboard egg cartons. These are then kept in our cooler until they are taken to our markets and stores that carry them. No chemical washes are used and no sealants are sprayed on our eggs.
We know that we can provide you with some of the best eggs available. They have a nice yellow yoke and a wonderful taste. We know that you can feel good eating our eggs knowing they came from Certified organic, happy hens.
Our eggs are available for in person purchase at all of our own locations. they are not available for online pre-order or delivery.